careerHeath and Lifestylepathology Blood-test-on-patient-pathology-collector-phlebotomist

Why should I get into Pathology Collection?  

Why should I get into Pathology Collection?   Each year, around 500 million pathological tests are performed in Australia and over 24,000 individuals work in pathology.  Pathology test results provide critical information to clinicians, allowing them to correctly diagnose and treat patients. Pathology collectors, also known as phlebotomists, extract, collect, label, and store blood and…

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careerHeath and Lifestylepathology blood-test-pathology-collector

Can I work as a Pathology Collector even if I’m not a nurse?

Can I work as a Pathology Collector even if I’m not a nurse? The answer is YES! “I’ve always wanted to work in Healthcare and am fascinated by anything medical, but I don’t have the time or financial resources to pursue a nurse or paramedic career right now.” I’ve heard of the job of Pathology…

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