careerHeath and Lifestylepathology Blood test

What’s it like to be a Phlebotomist?

What is a phlebotomist? Phlebotomists are health professionals responsible for collecting biological samples from patients, such as blood, urine or swabs for laboratory analysis. Phlebotomists can work in hospitals, medical practices, pathology collection centres, or in some cases, in the community (patients’ homes or within an aged care facility) Tasks and duties Greeting patients and…

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careerHeath and Lifestylepathology Blood-test-on-patient-pathology-collector-phlebotomist

Why should I get into Pathology Collection?  

Why should I get into Pathology Collection?   Each year, around 500 million pathological tests are performed in Australia and over 24,000 individuals work in pathology.  Pathology test results provide critical information to clinicians, allowing them to correctly diagnose and treat patients. Pathology collectors, also known as phlebotomists, extract, collect, label, and store blood and…

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